During the evening of Tuesday April 16th, Mum and I went to a two hour seminar held at the Hilton Hotel by Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat. The topic of the talk was the concept of using movement to be healthy. The main message of the evening was perhaps an obvious one, but very overlooked due to our […] Read more…
natural therapy
Glimpse into Monday April 1st 2013
When I first saw the naturopath at the clinic where I get regular acupuncture and massage, I had an assessment done. She noticed that on the left side of my stomach, close to my belly button, there is a firm, sometimes raised area. I have been aware of this for years. She explained that this was a […] Read more…
Glimpse into remedies for autoimmune symptoms PART ONE
I am always on the look out for new ideas, inspirations, plans, techniques and tricks to make a difference to my many and varied symptoms. I get lost reading articles about exciting and interesting topics; I love blogs, books and magazines about well being, food and health. I also am quite open to experimenting and […] Read more…
Glimpse into remedies for autoimmune symptoms PART TWO
Another impeding element for me is regular light headiness and dizziness. Obviously this can be quite dangerous. Along with fatigue, it is one of the main things stopping me currently from working as a nurse. It also means that I do not drive. My feeling of independence is equal to that of a fourteen year […] Read more…
Glimpse into the waiting game
Time is just plodding along at the moment. I am not working. I rarely leave the house. Apart from a couple of friends, my main points of human contact are with my parents (who are indeed awesome human contacts!). If I do find the motivation and energy to do something for an hour or two, […] Read more…
Glimpse into Thursday January 3rd 2012
I have been MIA the past few days from the blog because for the past week, the pain and stiffness in my shoulders, back and hips have been overwhelming. I have barely moved from the couch or bed. That coupled with feeling flat and tired, hasn’t enabled motivation to sit in front of a computer!! When I […] Read more…