Glimpsing Gembles

natural therapy

An Autoimmune Protocol update

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a diet which focuses on foods that have been shown to either cause or worsen autoimmune conditions. I have written about what I have learned about AIP, recipe ideas, and my experiences in these posts: Beginning AIP Week one of AIP Week two of AIP Week three of AIP Week four of […] Read more…

Tai chi

When I had better health than I do now, I loved to be active. I have never been particularly good at sports, but I was always doing something – softball, hockey, gymnastics, rowing, cricket, swimming, gym classes, dancing, hiking, cycling – I enjoyed the outdoors, and fun, high-energy activity. My Mum has learned and then […] Read more…

Glimpse into learning to live with chronic illness

Now and again, someone stumbles across my blog who is new to dealing with chronic fatigue, or a friend of a friend points them in my direction for advice. This has made me think that it is time to do a summary post about some of what I have learned about dealing with certain issues […] Read more…

A glimpse into changing our focus

Something which I have come to realise is that the small things in life, which we so often overlook, can actually be defining and motivating moments which can change our course, our perspective, our appreciation and our happiness. When the universe forces us to stop, due to something like a chronic illness, it is often […] Read more…

Glimpse into Wellness Wednesday; week 8 2014 – belly breaths

This week has been one of information overload for me after a visit to a cardiologist brought a new diagnosis. I am working on staying calm, processing the information, and looking at it with a positive view, and as a step towards better health with new treatment. Therefore, I feel this week’s Wellness Wednesday should focus on […] Read more…

Glimpse into the New Year

Today is New Year’s Day. A day typically dedicated to reflection and statements of intentions. Every New Year for the past 3 years, I have made New Year’s resolutions. These have all revolved around my health and improving its state of deterioration, which had begun to speed up between 2008 and 2010. Each year, I felt more determined […] Read more…

Glimpse into insomnia

Lying in bed, exhausted but wide eyed. Tossing and turning. Waking at 4am and not returning to sleep. Rising in the morning feeling exhausted and unrefreshed. Whichever way it is that you are effected, being unable to sleep properly is a horrendous experience for everyone. And believe it or not, chronic fatigue and insomnia can […] Read more…

Glimpse into white tea

I love tea. Thank the Food Intolerance Gods for letting me still be able to drink tea!! I keep mindful around fruit teas (monitoring for FODMAPs), but to be honest, fruit teas don’t do it for me as much as other teas do! I also watch the caffeine content because as we all know, this […] Read more…