Glimpsing Gembles


Glimpse into healthy icecream

An important part to our special Christmas recipe, which will be revealed in its entirety this Foodie Friday, is this amazing and delicious recipe… Banana ice cream Basically, this recipe is: FROZEN BANANAS! All that needs to be done, is slice up a banana for each serve, and freeze. When ready to serve, simply blend […] Read more…

Glimpse into Foodie Friday – week 28 – Rice syrup

This week, I made a super quick and simple, sweet bread to toast up for snacks and breakfasts. Instead of baking the usual banana breads (which, don’t get me wrong, I love!), I chose to make one which revolved around rice syrup. I think rice syrup is delicious, and it has been a lifesaver when […] Read more…

Glimpse into Foodie Friday week 7 2014 – Cinnamon

Good afternoon! Happy Foodie Friday!  Yes, I know. It is Saturday. Oops! The first Foodie Friday of the new series should have begun yesterday, but as most of us know, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has its moments which make a regular routine unrealistic! I may have to change Foodie Friday to a bi-monthly thing, rather than […] Read more…