Glimpsing Gembles


My name is Gem; a writing student, former nurse, and beach bum wannabe, sharing my thoughts on healthy foods, books, living with chronic illnesses and food intolerances, and all sorts of other musings!

January 2019 wrap up

Unbelievable but true…it’s time for a January wrap up! I’ve not done monthly wrap ups routinely in the past, but I have decided that it would be a good way to keep track of progress with my 19 things for 2019 goals, and a nice opportunity to have a chat with you all about how […] Read more…

19 things to do in 2019

In 2019, I am going to give something new a go! I have come up with 19 things that I want to try to do in 2019. Rather than saying “I want to get fit” or “I am going to eat more protein in January”, these are things that I can do at any point […] Read more…

2019 reading goals

I can not believe it…I read 50 books in 2018!! For me, that is huge!  I have always loved to read. I never used to count the actual amount; I definitely read much more when I was younger, and then my personal reading amount decreased when I started at university and was replaced with scientific […] Read more…

Ella Minnow Pea – Book Review

Ella Minnow Pea is a story that follows a girl who lives on the island of Nollop off the coast of South Carolina, which was named after the author of the well-known pangram, ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.’ Ella’s happy and simple life begins to change as the island’s council adopts totalitarian […] Read more…