Glimpsing Gembles


My name is Gem; a writing student, former nurse, and beach bum wannabe, sharing my thoughts on healthy foods, books, living with chronic illnesses and food intolerances, and all sorts of other musings!

Tai chi

When I had better health than I do now, I loved to be active. I have never been particularly good at sports, but I was always doing something – softball, hockey, gymnastics, rowing, cricket, swimming, gym classes, dancing, hiking, cycling – I enjoyed the outdoors, and fun, high-energy activity. My Mum has learned and then […] Read more…

The Aug/Sept/Oct book for book club

This month, we are going to try something new for our book club! Instead of setting a book, I want to set a challenge. This means we will all inevitably read different books, which makes it exciting and different! This then will bring us together to discuss the book we read, which we chose to fit […] Read more…

Life could change in a blink of an eye

I have been aware lately of the variable priorities people set in their lives and what they are subsequently likely to be upset, frustrated or disappointed by. As someone who has limitations in my life, I find it angers me when other people do not appreciate what they have, and in turn, I work towards being thankful for […] Read more…

Station Eleven book review

Let’s discuss our book club book, Station Eleven, throughout August! As this book was our May/June book, and I finished it in July, it may be an indication of the effect this book had on me. I struggled to get completely hooked by it, which was disappointing because I did have high hopes for it. I […] Read more…

Almond cookies

I love cookies (who doesn’t?!), and I have long been on the experiment trail for the perfect gluten, grain, egg and dairy free and low fructose cookie. It sounds impossible, I know, and trust me, I had got to the point where I thought I should stop, because having batch after batch of crumbly, dry, […] Read more…

The new lifestyle series

 In the new feature spot on the blog, which is called ‘Lifestyle”, I want to bring to you my experiences with certain products, services and the like that can help make everyone’s life a bit easier, or more exciting, or more luxurious! There will be a general underlying theme of these ideas being particularly helpful […] Read more…

Glimpsing ingredients

This list consists of posts that I have written which explore certain ingredients. Click on one which is of interest to you to be taken to the relevant post. Banana Buckwheat Chia seeds Cinnamon Coconut Lemons Rice syrup Walnuts Read more…

Recipe List

This list consists of the recipes that I have created and posted on this blog. These recipes are healthy, nutritious and yummy, and are gluten, dairy, and egg free, low FODMAP, and a lot are grain & nightshade free too. Click on one which is of interest to you to be taken to the relevant post. […] Read more…