Hello to you all today! Are you feeling the change of seasons, and this lovely sunshine glow?
I have an idea that I want to pose to you.
A while ago, I posted on a Facebook forum that I follow, asking if anyone in the south-east QLD area would be interested in meeting up. There were a few people who were keen.
There are a lot of great online forums and social media chat groups that you can be a part of, but sometimes I find them impersonal and hard to become involved with. It is also tough when there is a time difference and you sleep through most of the conversation!
Today on my blog, I would like to combine these two notions.
I am proposing we begin a group for those who live in south-east QLD (or those willing to potentially travel to SE QLD!).
I want to facilitate a place where people can come together and chat about anything and everything. I want to start out as an online thing, but then if we all get along and want to meet, we can go from there.
Feel free to join in, no matter your capabilities or lifestyle. We will work hard to accommodate everyone’s needs if and when we meet up. Even if you are a relatively healthy person, if you feel like this is a group that you could benefit from, join in! The main premise is that we will bring support and understanding to a group of people who know what it is like to have a to-do list a page long and not an ounce of energy to consider it; a group of people who know what it is like to be nervous about making commitments to meet up with friends, knowing you may have to cancel; a group who is willing to listen when someone is over feeling unwell or limited; a group who will motivate and encourage each other to enjoy life to the best of our ability.
Please privately contact me through the “Ask Gem” form on the blog, or comment below, if you are keen. Also please add what would be the best mode of contact for you – texting/WhatsApp/email/Skype/Facebook. When I know that we have a few people interested, we will choose the best platform for us all and begin to get to know each other!
I hope that this idea appeals to you. Have a happy day!