I have been aware lately of the variable priorities people set in their lives and what they are subsequently likely to be upset, frustrated or disappointed by. As someone who has limitations in my life, I find it angers me when other people do not appreciate what they have, and in turn, I work towards being thankful for what I have and appreciate it.
We all have our own struggles and pains, and I do not want to take away from what each of us face day to day. What one person sees as a daunting mountain in their life, might be a walk in the park for another person. However, I feel that we should not be blinded by our emotions in some circumstances and miss the fact that, although you feel heartbroken, or financially stressed, or overloaded at work, you have a body that moves for you, food in your belly, friends to be happy with or family to love (or whatever it is that you do have which is good in your life).
We are all at liberty to have a good whinge from time to time, and honestly, it is therapeutic and healthy! However, the key, I think, is to not let a whinge turn into missing an opportunity in life, or a moment to be appreciative. Just because you feel sad and let down, do not lie in bed and mope if you have the physical capability to be out with friends, for example. If you do this, you are missing the chance for happiness and fun when someone who genuinely is unable to get out of bed is wishing they could do the same. Likewise, if you have too much pain or fatigue to leave the house, try to not be too sad or angry, but be grateful for the family who stay home with you, or thankful for the tv shows that keep you entertained, or for the warm blankets that keep you cosy.
Do not miss an opportunity because you’re “not in the mood”, or because you are annoyed with someone, or because things seem too hard. You really do not know if that could be the last chance you have to do it before something happens that means you actually can not do it. Jump at the opportunities which face you while you have the ability to; soak them up, devour them. There are so many people out there who can not, and I want to remind us all that life could change in a blink of an eye.
Hi Gem, this is so true and something I really try to be aware of. I wrote four sympathy cards in six weeks recently, and attended two friends’ funerals. No one knows what tomorrow will bring – so it is important to find just a little good in every day. To my way of thinking, little smiles are more important than one super, special day because little smiles help us keep going everyday – the sky, birds, trees, family and friends help me see the good in my life, if I make the mental time to see them. I think finding some peace in my heart each day makes me smile too. It is easy to get bogged down with all the things you have to do, remembering to make time for peace and smiles helps me live each day more fully. xx
Absolutely Amanda. The small things are so easily overlooked, but so fundamental and important to our happiness.
That is so true and important to be reminded not to take things for granted. Words of wisdom. Thanks Gem.