Happy Hump Day! You have made it to Wednesday; the weekend is on its way! This, of course, has no relevance to me, as I have been too unwell to work since November, but I know a lot of you will be celebrating that you are over halfway!!
With my body at the level of health that it is, I need to eat regularly. Even if I am not hungry or being active, if I do not eat every 2-3 hours, I plummet quickly, and it takes me quite some time to recover. So I have learnt to eat, whether I am feeling physical hunger or not. So this means, a lot of snacks!! I love coming up with new things for my morning and afternoon teas! I have been loving the ease and chocolatey goodness of my
choc nut smoothies this week, but today I was in the mood for a change!
I have seen a few blog posts of people eating their chunky green smoothies rather than blending them further into a drink, and I thought I would work on that idea today!
These ingredients are what I chose to use today:
1/4 of a small pineapple, cored and chopped
2 kiwi fruits
Juice of 1 lime
Small bunch of fresh mint leaves
1/2 small cucumber, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
2 big handfuls of fresh spinach leaves
3 tablespoons of chia seeds
1/3 – 3/4 cup coconut water (normal water is fine too!)
1. Put all the ingredients, except the chia seeds and coconut water, into a mixer/blender.
2. Add a small amount of the coconut water before beginning to blend.
3. Blend.
4. Gradually add the coconut water so that you get a creamy, thick consistency. Keep the liquid amount to a minimum, so that it does not get too runny.

5. Place in the fridge for at least 15 minutes so that it thickens and cools.
6. Eat your green pudding with a spoon! Enjoy!

This made up 4 serves, which means snacks are sorted for tomorrow too!
*Though these types of snacks are best as fresh as possible, as the nutrients deteriorate with time after blending. So share your healthy goodies with your friends and family!
I enjoyed my first bowl, so went for seconds! This time around, I added some raspberry puree, which I often have made up in the fridge to go with my breakfast, which you can find the recipe for here. It was an extremely tart combination!! If you do not have fructose malabsorption, I would imagine that you would enjoy a few spoonfuls of pureed mango on top! I will continue to play with this recipe, and post more ideas that are fructose friendly soon.
Enjoy your healthy, zesty snack!!
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